Its been another busy weekend, remember last weekend when I painted my cabinet and added new cushions to brighten up our lounge room, well we decided to repaint the entire room. It was a lovely soft green which I have always liked but it was time for a change so now the walls are Colonial cream and the fire place and chimney is going to be vanilla frost, I haven't painted that yet. As soon as the room is finished I'll share some photos.

We went shopping today to buy some prints to hang over the fire place but we couldn't find anything, so I'll have to look around a few different places. I did find these gorgeous tea towels at Target, as my lounge has red cushions and a vase I thought I would carry the colour through to the kitchen. I have told the boys that they are for decoration only, no grubby hands are to touch them.

Our garden is blooming with most of my spring bulbs in flower, they make such a pretty display.

The hyacinth flowers are my favourite, the perfume is lovely.

I have seeds growing in my hot house so soon I can plant them in the garden for my summer display.
I have no sewing to share this week as I haven't done any except for a little project I'm doing for work, I'll share that soon.
I hope you all had a relaxing weekend.

Until next time, take care.