Thursday, August 9, 2018

A Long time

Hi there, remember me. Its been so long since I did a blog post I'm having to learn all over again. There have been some major changes in my life in recent months and now I'm slowly getting on with things but its been hard. Onwards and upwards as the saying goes.
Last month I was lucky enough to spend a week in the amazing USA, I have so much about my trip to share but i thought i would start of  with a finished quilt I'm so proud of.

Remember my smitten quilt I started almost 3 years ago. Finally finished and I couldn't be happier. I took it with my to America to show all my friends as they have been on this sewing journey with me right from the beginning. I sewed the binding down my first week there  then the fun photo shoots started.

 These are a few of my favourite photos, Taken in beautiful Wyoming in the mountains, Such stunning scenery and the perfect back drop.
Now I can enjoy it for many years to come.
I used all my favourite red white and blue fabrics, some of these are now discontinued and so hard to find which makes the quilt even more special.

I promise I  will be back soon to share more of our fun adventures, including watching my very first rodeo, now there's a story.

Take care  xx


Anita : Shabby Quilt said...

Leanne your quilt is lovely. Great finish.

Anthea said...

A blog post from you Leanne! Woo HOOO!
I did so enjoy seeing all your IG pics from your USA trip & of course all the pics of Smitten... I just love it & you've done a stunning job of it.
Glad you had a great time.

sunny said...

Well Howdy, Stranger! I hope all is well with you. I'm glad you had a fun time in the US. WooHoo - a rodeo! I haven't seen one of those in many years. I love your American quilt. Can't wait to see it finished.

Lin said...

Good to see you in my inbox. What a beautiful quilt, well done you. xx

Janice Holton said...

Yay!! For having a fantastic finish, for all the wonderful photos and for being back in the blogging world! We missed you!

Michelle Ridgway said...

Lovely to see you back and hope life balances out for you now. Your quilt is beautiful. ..well done to you xx

dream quilt create said...

Such a beautiful quilt and the backdrop is perfect! Looking forward to seeing photos of your trip :)

Anonymous said...

Nice to hear you again on your blog! Your quilt is beautiful.
I have send you a parcel for your birthday. Think it will arrive soon.


Bryce said...

Finished quilts are what dreams are made of. Cheering for your beautiful finish. Good job !!!! Quilty hugs for you!!!

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