Here are a few before shots..

This is the cabinet all emptied and ready for painting.

It was so full of my collection of cups and saucers and a few other things thrown in there as well.

Ta Da.... here is my new lounge, what do you think?

New cushions for the sofas and my French General quilt which matches perfectly

The cabinet all painted and most of its belongings back inside. The colour is called Scallywag ( hlaf strength)

Yestersday on the way to buy my paint I called in to a thrift shop and I found these fantastic milk jugs, the big one was only $1. Hows that for a bargain.
Its been such a productive weekend, I haven't touched my sewing but tonight I'm going to sit and stitch and watch a movie with my boys. It will be very relaxing sitting there admiring all my hard work.
I hope you had a good weekend, don't they go fast?