We have had a lovely weekend away in Hobart, it was a surprise for our boys. We got up on Saturday morning and said pack a bag we are going away for the weekend, they didn't belive us to start with.

We stayed at Cozy cabins as its always quite reasonable and we can take our own food and cook in the kitchen, Nicky thought he would be funny and hide in the wardrobe, he called me into his room and there he was in the cupboard.

The boys played hand tennis as we don't have tennis raquets, they enjoyed themselves.

These are the cabins we stayed in, they are quite good. There are 4 bunk beds, a double bed, a kitchen and a table and chairs. Also a bathroom.

I think these cabins are more expensive to stay in as they have a balcony and a lovely view.

While we were in town we did a bit of shopping and iI visited the Needlewoman, its a beautiful shop but one of those that you feel you shouldn't touch anything. Everything was perfect. I wasn't really game to ask if i could take some photos, I did make a few purchases, some fat quarters and a charm pack of Blackbird designs new range called Wild rose. Its very pretty. I did do some stitching but I'll share that tomorrow.
I hope you had a good weekend and got some sewing done.
It sounds like you had a fun weekend me I have been cleaning out my sewing
room 2 days down and still not finished.
Great weekend away! Nice surprise for your boys.
I so understand what you are saying about the Needlewoman...........
How nice to have some family time, a lovely surprise. And, what gorgeous fabric can't wait to see what you make from it.
Leanne you should have just said you had a blog could you take some pics it's good addvertising for them :) glad you had a good time away
How exciting to have a spur of the moment mini break!! Where is this Needlewoman shop?? I might need directions!!
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