Its been slow but I am getting there and doing a few more hexagons. I have really enjoyed fussy cutting some of the fabric I have, the effect they have is really interesting. Its such a portable project which is what I like. These one I think I'll save for centres, they are so cute.
Only 2 more sleeps until my friends and I fly to Melbourne for the day for the Quilt convention,
Its going to be such fun, I'll be taking my camera so I'll try and take lots of photos to share.
Love the start you have made, and I can tell you that they are very addictive! Hope to see lots of photos of the Quilt Show, we weren't able to make it...
They look beautiful!! Can't wait to see more...!!
Great Job with the Fussy Cutting..Beautiful Hexie's..
Enjoy the Show.
Looking good Leanne lovely centers
Leanne would be mighty proud of the fussy cut hexies, Leanne. Well done! Have a great time in Melbourne :)
love the fabrics snd the way you used them
Your flowers are beautiful. Love the fussy cutting. Have a great time at the quilt convention.
beautiful hexie's love the fussy cut ones.
I bought some hexagons at the last Quilt Show but haven't been game enough to start. Yours are so pretty Leanne. Have fun at the convetion! Ann :-)
Leanne the hexies look fantastic..and the fussy cutting is well worth the effort the petals look so good..
Love the start you have made, and I can tell you that they are very addictive! Hope to see lots of photos of the Quilt Show, we weren't able to make it...
Lovely Leanne! But I think it is under statement to call cutting of these fussy...I would think sewing these is much more fussy =)
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